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Sense Perfect Aesthetics Academy is a government college?Not. Sense Perfect Aesthetics Academy is a private colleges and registered under Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran (JPK) as Pusat Bertauliah.
What courses offered by Sense Perfect Aesthetics Academy?Course that Sense Perfect Aesthetics Academy offer :- - Short-term courses - Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) - Diploma in ITEC & Cidesco courses, NAHA & IFA Aromatherapy courses
That is Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia Sense Perfect Aesthetics Academy recognized?Yes. Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia issued by the Jabatan Pembangunan Kemahiran.
How long duration in the Sense Perfect Aesthetics Academy ?It tooks 12 months per level for Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia.
Hostel is available for students?Not, However the college can help find nearby rental housing for students.
How to carry out college learning process?Studies conducted in the form of theory and practical training.
Employment opportunities for graduates are SKM or Sense Perfect Aesthetics Academy?The Graduates can work in salon and spa or self-employed.
How long is the duration of the short course?Duration of short courses is dependent on the duration of the course is conducted.
How can the implementation of the short course?It is carried out after hours (working days - 6.00pm to 10.00pm) and weekends (10.00am - 3.00ptg). Courses are also run on the day / time of work depends on the timing and place.
Who is eligible to apply for a short course?Open to all Malaysian citizens and no age limit (can read and write). Program / course is open to the public community, workers, students, pensioners, senior citizens, housewives, school leavers and university graduates.
Will participants be given a certificate upon completion of the course?Yes, certificates will be awarded to each participant who attended any of the courses offered.
How long to get a certificate?Normally the Sense Perfect Aesthetics Academy will hand over certificates to the participants within one week after the completion of the course.
What should I do if there are errors on the certificate that I received?Please note the correction in the certificate and hand it back to us. The return of the certificate is within one week.
Can short course conducted outside the Perfect Aesthetics Sense Academy?Can, depending on the participant's request and in accordance with the course to be conducted.
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